Sunday, 22 May 2011

So hi...

Hello world, and welcome to my life...So a few things about me right from the beginning:

- I am Jenni, 22, Scorpio, short, bespectacled, fundamentally lazy, full of obsessions and crazy-ass ideas.

- I studied English and Classics at Durham University after a gap year in which I travelled around America, New Zealand and worked in Sydney for six months. As a result, I am now totally penniless and in lots of lovely student debt.

- I have been writing since I was the tender age of six, when I forced my mother into reading my 'novel' about our pet guinea-pigs (they went on an adventure to find some better grass, it was gripping stuff).

- I mostly write novels, though I am always on the look-out for short story ideas as well, and am keen on honing my skills in this direction. My attempts at poetry are abysmal and the less talked about them the better. I would classify the genre I write as fantasy/psychological thriller/horror...Basically, everything I write is heavily character-based, my writing is not particularly plot-driven or world-building, nor am I an enormous fan of books which are more interested in the plot than characterisation (Lord of the Rings is an example). I firmly believe that every book will lean either in one way or the other; a good book is one that combines the two, but that is very difficult to find and wonderful when it is found (the writers who immediately come to mind are Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman - geniuses.)

- I have not had anything published (yet) but I write fanfic often, in all sorts of fandoms. I believe that the stigma which fanfic has received over the years is unfair - it is a perfect place for young writers to hone their skills, to further their ideas and to enjoy and learn to accept criticism. I have learnt so much and received so much encouragement from people all over the world throughout the years that I could never think of fanfic as a silly waste of time or a ridiculous hobby, just because what is being written is not publishing material.

- I have a Muse who is notoriously temperamental and is as likely to bless me with sudden inspiration as she is to abandon me for weeks on end. I simultaneously praise and curse her daily.

- I read voraciously but still not as much as I would like. I am one of those rare creatures that honestly enjoys reading classical literature - from a good bit of Homer to Charles Dickens and Arthur Conan Doyle - which is probably why an English degree sat so well with me. Shakespeare is my inspiration and a constant delight. I also like dabbling in fantasy and sci-fi, but I'm pretty fickle in that department, as before mentioned.

- My music taste varies considerably depending on what mood I'm in - one day I might be talking about Rhianna, the next Holst.

- My family is minute - in this country I have a mother and a grandmother, both of whom are beautifully supportive of whatever I choose to do and have never tried to push me into anything I dislike, for which I am eternally grateful. My friends are various, from home to gap year to uni friends, but they all have something in common - they are all completely crazy and utterly wonderful.

- I am moving to London to find not only a place to live but a place to work - neither of which I have any idea about what I want or expect. So this is a true adventure. Yes...if that's one vital thing you want to remember about me, it is this - I love adventure. And this is promising to be the greatest one of all...let's see how it goes...

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